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Monday, July 29, 2013

Fear of Business Owners

What if it doesn’t work? Where is the money coming from?  How will I build a fan base?  How long is this going to take?  Am I dreaming too big?  These are questions takes up the mental space in a beginning business owner.  Forming a business is always a risk factor.  It’s always a scary thought to overcome rejection and step out on faith.  Success is not easy to come by.  

What if I told you that we as future business owners and future artist can reach any goal of success?  Would you believe me? Would you believe that you are meant to succeed? That the power of success lays in your hands? That failure is not an option or an excuse to minimize your goals of success?  Many business owners are scare of the thought of failure.  However, failure sometimes makes us successors and people of endurance.

However, we must realize that in order to reach success, we must take risks.  Risks that are practical and logical will help business owners to be prosperous in business.  You must reach towards your dreams.  I learned from my readings to consider it joy when we are faced with various situations of fear because the testing of our faith produce courageous endurance.  When we allow courageous endurance to have its complete result, our business will not lack in success. 

“Don’t be distracted my small foxes because you’re called to greatness”.  This is a quote from my poem that I recite often in Orlando.  What this simply means is to never allow small distractions and fears to keep you from reaching your fullest potential of greatness.  Fears are not suppose to distract you from reaching success but further more help us to gain wisdom in order to endure to weight of success.  The most successful business owner will take the biggest risk.  Be the success you want to see.

Here is a video of the Spoken Word "Dem Small Foxes" by Rachael Garrett

Market Yourself

Who says that it’s impossible to market yourself?  When we think of new businesses and artist, we think we have to pay an arm and a leg to do so.  I recently listened to a very informative lecture about distribution and how she was a form example of how you market on your own.  She made it look so easy and in her eyes, it is. 

Marketing is not what is it was in the old days.  We use to depend on experience marking representatives that will charge for their services.  Now that we have the different avenues such as social media including YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Social Cam, Instagram and Tumblr. It becomes easier to promote yourself.  Business owners, artist, musicians, entrepreneurs, producers and managers have a chance to expand their brand through social media which in this case is more affordable.

Marketing and advertisement in the 21st century is not as hard as it use to be.  It’s easy to pick up a phone and post of picture for the fans to see.  These consistent marketing trends can expand the business and furthermore create success.  Kevin Smith and Ed Burns are great examples of self-distribution and marketing.  Both are well known in the film industry and have taken their chance to complete self-distribution through iTunes and Netflix.   Marketing through social media and self-distribution has helped filmmakers and artist to cut expenses and cost in half. 

This type of marketing can have pros and cons for business publicity.  One might not have the major marketing or distribution company push that a normal filmmaker, book or screenplay would have.  However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t step out on faith and make your dreams a reality.  There’s no limits on anyone visions and dreams to be successful in their particular art.  Sometimes it take believing in your vision enough to do the impossible but have the practical intelligence to support it.